Article suggestions
MINDSET What are "Limiting Beliefs?"
MINDSET What are "Transformative Beliefs?"
MINDSET How do I stop the feelings of fear I have when I make art?
COMING ALIVE What is "Authenticity?"
COMING ALIVE Why do we need differences?
BEING YOU How do I learn to follow my intuition more when I’m making my art?
DESIGN What is Design?
DESIGN What are "Differences?"
DESIGN What are the "Principles?"
DESIGN What is a "Bulls Eye?"
DESIGN What is a "Corridor?"
DESIGN What is a "Barrier?"
DESIGN Can I have too many differences in my art?
DESIGN How do you apply the Design Principle to realistic work?
DESIGN What is "Call and Response?'
VALUE What is Value?
VALUE What is the Value Scale?
VALUE What is Value Organization?
VALUE What is the Loud Conversation?
VALUE What is the Quiet Conversation?
VALUE How do I stay away from middle values in my painting?
VALUE How are value differences created in art?
VALUE Why do value differences move my eye around a painting?
VALUE What is the Quiet Conversation in the darks?
VALUE What is the Quiet Conversation in the lights?
VALUE How do I find the Quiet Conversation in the lights and the darks?
COLOR What is the value of a color?
COLOR How do I change the value of a color?
COLOR How do you use the Value scale to see the value of a color?
COLOR What is saturation?
COLOR How do you lessen the saturation of a color?
COLOR What is the temperature of color?
COLOR Which color component is the strongest - value, saturation, or temperature?
COLOR How do we emphasize the differences of saturation or temperature?
COLOR What are Complementary Colors?
COLOR What is Harmony?
COLOR How do I create color harmony in a painting?
COLOR How do differences and harmony work in the same painting?
COLOR What is "Opaque?"
COLOR What is "Transparent?"
COLOR How does color affect the Loud Conversation?
COLOR If we decrease value contrast, color becomes more noticeable. Is this a good thing?
COLOR Can we use both Value and Color Principles in the same painting?
COLOR Can I have rich color AND strong Design and Value in my painting?
PRACTICE Do What You Love