GETTING UNSTUCK WITH RACHEL DAVIS (Suggested for Stage Three; Learning)
In this month’s Master Class with artist and psychologist, Rachel Davis, we learn that all artists get stuck and all mental challenges with our art are fear-based. In this enlightening and informative Master Class, Rachel teaches us how to notice our challenges, reframe them, and move forward, based on what really matters to you as an artist.
In this Master Class you will learn how to use the ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy) Matrix to help end trying to be something or someone than you are.
Some things you will learn:
• Fear is evolutionary—built into our DNA to protect us, so it is not going to go away
• To recognize your resistance—the things you have been doing to avoid what you want to do
• We don’t like to feel things like being incompetent for example, so we do things to avoid feeling it altogether
• We can release great amounts of unhelpful energy when we surrender to what’s holding us back
• Most of us don’t think twice about the awful way we speak to ourselves
• We become more sensitive the more we are aware