THE POWER OF YUM (Suggested for Stage Three; Learning)

We at the Academy are pleased to bring you an interview with Rebecca Katz, renowned author of The Cancer Fighting Kitchen and Clean Soups. An expert on the connection between proper nutrition and good health, Rebecca has pioneered the idea that healthy food can and should indeed be delicious, and it is with this in mind that we joined her in her kitchen.

There is a striking similarity between Rebecca’s approach to cooking and art making. To navigate her way around a particular dish, she uses a set of principles that help her understand and balance taste, much like how the Art2Life Principles help one adjust their art making. We invite you to come along with us and watch this true culinary artist at work.

In this Master Class you will learn:

•  How the relationship between good nutrition and preventative health care works.
•  The similarities between cooking a meal and making a work of art.
•  Rebecca’s system of taste principles called FASS, and how to use it to create amazing food.
•  The importance of flavor balance and directing one’s palette.
•  How to create outstanding food without spending too much time.